Additional Areas of Expertise
All tests are performed in accordance with ASTM, AASHTO, or LDOTD standards as per project specifications. Qualified technicians perform each test.
The performance of field density tests (by nuclear gauge or sand cone method), fill placement inspection, and depth checks. Troxler certified technicians perform these services.
Including but not limited to: Moisture Vapor Emission Rate Test Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride (ASTM F 1869), Determination of FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers (ASTM E 1155), Inspection of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members (ASTM E605).
TBG has provided RI services and program management for the following project, but not limited to: the reconstruction of concrete I-walls and T-walls, and the installation of floodgates and drainage Pumping Stations at the 17th street, London Avenue, and Orleans Avenue Canal; repairs to floodgates; the new Harvey Canal Sector Gate Complex; and levee repairs from Belle Chasse to Venice. Beta also oversaw the construction of flood gates, locks, rock, jetties, steel sheet pile walls with concrete caps, timber bulkheads, dolphins, roads, bridges, drainage culverts, earthen drainage canals, concrete structures in drainage canals, waste water treatment plants, raw water pumping stations, and water treatment plants. Beta has also provided two Construction managers and fifteen quality assurance representatives for FEMA drainage remediation throughout the Parish. This project scope included inspection, cleaning and repairs of drain culverts and drain lines in storm damaged areas. Beta monitored over 1.6 million linear feet of drain lines that spanned across two parishes.
TBG has 38 employees and is expanding in order to meet our growing client base. Our work force is composed of two registered professional engineers, a business development manager, an operations manager, four secretaries, and over 50 technicians. Our laboratory has been inspected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and several independent calibration laboratories. We are also certified with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). We have the manpower and equipment to meet the deadlines and time-frame requirements set forth by our clients.
Further, TBG has an exemplary record in regards to cost control. We employ a comprehensive cost checking program throughout the execution of the project, and have had no problems in meeting budgetary guidelines.
By the following entities:
- Louisiana Unified Certification Program
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- New Orleans Aviation Board (NOAB)
- Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, City of New Orleans
- Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans